Services We Offer
Business Management Services
We consult with businesses to find better ways to run their operations and provide them with the knowledge on how to become prosperous and maintain profitability.
Income Tax Preparation
Schneider Accounting prepares year-end income tax returns for C corporations, S Corporations, Partnerships, Non Profit Organizations, Trusts, Sole Proprietors, and Individuals.
Financial Statement Preparation
Our firm provides Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and other necessary reports to give businesses the information they need to make informed decisions. Financial statements may be provided on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis to fit the needs of our clients.
Accounts Payable Services
Keeping track of payables is a daunting task for any business owner. You have two options, hire a payables employee or waste valuable time scheduling payments to vendors yourself. Schneider Accounting has the ability to collect invoices and schedule payments to vendors, banks, taxing agencies, etc. Each week you will be informed of who needs to be paid and your cash requirements.
Accounts Receivable Services
Besides making sales, collecting the receivables is the most important part of your business. This is often times the most time consuming functions of business. Schneider Accounting can lessen this burden by collecting customer data and sending out invoices for you and keeping your aged receivables organized. With our experience handling receivables, you are able to have the time to make more of those all-important sales.
Payroll & Payroll Tax Preparation
If your business has ever received a notice from the government regarding payroll taxes, you know how hard of a task it is to get the issue straightened out. We can make it simple for you. Schneider Accounting can prepare your company payroll, no matter what frequency, with the correct withholdings. Our company will also prepare payroll taxes and year-end W-2’s for you to send to the state and federal agencies. We can make it easy for you to pay all of your taxes on time. We will give you the peace of mind knowing that your business is in compliance with all government agencies!
Business Start-up Services
If you are trying to start a new business we are able to help. Deciding which business formation to have, applying for Federal and State Identification Numbers, and the mountains of paperwork to prepare can be very confusing. Schneider Accounting can give you insight on these decisions and prepare the paperwork to get your business up and running.